Oct 4, 2009

How many types of snakes are their and how can we protect ourselves from them ?

2700 kind of snakes .Poisonous(Cobras,Kraits,Viper and some sea snakes in Australia,eg of poisonous snakes : King Cobra of Asia,the black mamba,saw scaled viper and the taipan of Australia),non-poisonous(most snakes but recently herpetologist has decided that all snakes are more or less poisonous 270 of them are harmful to human),stout body(Gaboon viper,Africa),thin body(tree snake like vine snake,S.America),flattened body(sea snake),long snake(Anakonda(upto 9 m),Asian reticulate python(upto 9 m),King Kobra,short snake(Braminy blind snake - smallest snake in the world,only 15 cm).Snakes can be divided into the following types with respect to their eating habit :

The full article is posted in http://paidadvisor.50webs.com

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